December 8, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 12-07
Time for a short rant. There are two things I am writing about this week. The first is the unbelievably callous lack of a follow-up to the CARES Act after…

December 1, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 11-30
We might only be in the 5th inning with respect to the COVID-19 battle. And we might be facing some very tough innings before it’s over. But, given what’s occurred…

November 24, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 11-23
November 23rd , 2020 Happy Thanksgiving! Hard to believe that the holiday season is upon us. Also hard to believe what a strange season it is likely to be. Most…

November 17, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 11-16
Read the original article from ArizonaEconomy.com, a product of Elliott D. Pollack & Company, here. With all that’s gone on in the last two weeks, it’s time for another attempt…

November 10, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 11-9
Read the original article from ArizonaEconomy.com, a product of Elliott D. Pollack & Company, here. Last week felt like it was about a month long. The 24-hour news cycle actually…

November 3, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 11-2
Read the original article from ArizonaEconomy.com, a product of Elliott D. Pollack & Company, here. The Monday Morning Quarterback The real story regarding third quarter GDP was not the extreme…

October 28, 2020
ABA Tom Dunn Prop 208

October 28, 2020
ABA Tom Dunn Prop 207

October 27, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 10-26
Read the original article from ArizonaEconomy.com, a product of Elliott D. Pollack & Company, here. The Monday Morning Quarterback Everyone knew that this winter would be a mess. They were…

October 20, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 10-19
Read the original article from ArizonaEconomy.com, a product of Elliott D. Pollack & Company, here. The Monday Morning Quarterback Before we get into last week’s numbers. I want to go…

October 14, 2020
The Monday Morning Quarterback 10-13
Read the original article from ArizonaEconomy.com, a product of Elliott D. Pollack & Company, here. The Monday Morning Quarterback Due to the holidays and vacations, we’re limiting the editorial on…