Governor Doug Ducey today issued an Executive Order allowing Arizonans to get documents notarized remotely. This measure is consistent with Remote Online Notarization, a law passed that allows signers and notaries to meet virtually that takes effect July 1, 2020. The Governor’s Executive Order accelerates this timeline, giving Arizonans the opportunity to utilize virtual notarization starting April 10, 2020.
– A list of SBA approved banks is available:
* On slide 21 of the Arizona Commerce Authority’s webinar slide deck in context of the overview of SBA opportunities
– Additional funding opportunities can be found under “what are banks doing to help?” at As new opportunities are created, this list will be updated.
ASLD is open for business as usual. All Divisions/Sections are operational. ASLD will continue with meetings and application processing, utilizing some teleworking and convening most meetings via Google Meets.
– The Recorders front counter is currently closed
– Digital recording instructions and multiple 3rd party filing submitters can be found at
– All digital recordings and documents sent by mail will continue to be processed
– Inspections:
Building and drainage inspections will still be conducted as long as social distance requirements as defined by the Center for Disease Control can be met.
– Development-Related Public Hearings, Citizen Participation:
The County has instituted interim guidelines for citizen participation in development-related public hearings, including the Board of Adjustment beginning with the April 16, 2020 public hearing, and the Planning and Zoning Commission beginning with the April 23, 2020 public hearing, continuing until further notice.
* The public will not be allowed to attend public hearings in person until further notice. Instructions for how to attend and participate in the hearings in the ‘virtual’ setting will be provided at one week prior to the hearing date.
* The Chairman will conduct the ‘virtual’ public hearing according to normal bylaws, and according to the rules established by the Chairman regarding public comment. However, any written public comment received by staff after publication of the Commission or Board of Adjustment packet will be read into the record by staff.
* To ensure accuracy, the Chairman will verbally identify the specific members responsible for all motions and seconds. Votes will be done by roll call vote only.
* Attendance at these hearings shall be online/telephonic only. Instructions on attendance and how to submit questions/comments may be found at: one week prior to the hearing date. Applicants should submit their presentation materials to the case planner at least one week prior to the hearing date.
– ARS §11-813 will continue to be followed for public notice:
* Notice in a newspaper of general circulation, prepared by staff, 15 days prior to hearing;
* Site posting in no less than two places, with one sign for each quarter mile of frontage along perimeter ROW
* Site postings will continue to follow the requirements established by Maricopa County, except that the location/time of hearing will be replaced with the following language:
* Notification, in accordance with Maricopa County requirements, sent to all property owners and Homeowner’s Associations within 300’ of the subject property.
– Applicants should continue to follow the public outreach guidelines established by Maricopa County, except that, in accordance with Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance, no face-to-face community meetings of groups larger than 10 people should be held until further notice. Applicants are encouraged to communicate with potentially affected citizens to the greatest extent possible, to use technology options to provide broad dissemination and gathering of information, and to promote public input. The results of public participation efforts will continue to be required prior to scheduling public hearings.
– Staff will continue to follow established public outreach protocols during the review phase of cases, except that no face-to-face meetings/interaction with the public will be allowed. All staff communication with the public shall be by written, verbal or online methods.
– Staff reports will continue to be prepared according to current guidelines, and will include a discussion of the public participation efforts by the applicant, specific numbers of support and opposition, and a summary of any concerns/issues submitted by the public.
– All comments received via email/mail or other print will be included in the packet for distribution to the Commission, and for public viewing via the department’s website.
– Submittals:
Maricopa County is only accepting permits online or via drop-box located at 501 N. 44th Street, Suite 200. The Permit Counter is closed to walk-ins. Permits can be submitted digitally through the Online Customer Portal. Inquiries can be directed toPNDpdcustomerservice@maricopa.govand 602-506-8573.
– The Pinal County Recorder’s Office will continue to offer counter service at all Recorder’s Office locations.
– Applicants are strongly encouraged to mail their documents for recording instead of coming into one of the Recorder’s Offices. The mailing address for all documents is PO Box 848, Florence, AZ 85132.
– E-recording services are not affected.
– The fee to record a document is $30.00. Checks and money orders must be made payable to the “Pinal County Recorder”.
– The office does NOT accept credit card numbers by mail or by telephone.
– Appointments:
Applicants must call or email in advance of visit the Planning & Zoning and Building divisions to get an appointment time.
– Contacts:
* Planning & Zoning Division can be reached at (480) 474-5083 or with questions prior to coming into the office. You may be required to leave a message when contacting by phone. Messages will be returned ASAP.
* Building Division can be reached at (480) 474-5156 or with questions prior to coming into the office. Many questions can be answered over the phone or online at
* Additional information about services and online resources can be found at
– Applying for Building Permits:
* Printing fees are temporarily suspended for permits submitted via email like solar, electrical, small residential, etc.
* The maximum file size is 10 megabytes. The 10 MB is the sum total of the sizes of the attachments, and 1000 kilobytes KB = 1 MB.
* All drawings/plans submitted must be in PDF format.
– Review Times:
Review times are approx. three weeks
– Inspections:
Inspections are currently being carried out as normal
– Appointments:
Conference calls and video conferencing in lieu of in-person meetings.
– Submittal:
Online plan submittal is available at
– Temporary Signage
Development Services Department will allow all temporary signs identified Article 5.11.5 of the City Development Code to be placedwithout permit. The quantity, size, and location requirements remain applicable. Signs may remain posted continuously and are not subject to display periods (Article 5.11.5.A.7, Article 5.11.5.D.2.A) for the duration of the local emergency. At the conclusion of the local emergency, normal city operations will resume and all signs will be required to be removed or properly permitted. The temporary sign code allows for one on-site banner of up to 32 square feet and a-frame sign up to 12 square feet per business/use street frontage. Additionally, off-site a-frame signs are allowed on private property subject to ownership approval. Temporary signs cannot be placed on public sidewalks or located within public rights-of-way except when immediately adjacent to the principal business entry for properties within the Downtown Overlay (Article 5.12.5). For more information or to discuss other sign solutions, contact the Development Services Department Planning Division at or 623.349.6233.
– Contacts:
For general inquiries via email or phone:
* Planning and Zoning – – 623.349.6233
* Building – – 623.349.6200
* Engineering – – 623.349.6265
– On-site and off-site meetings will be changed from in person to telephone conference call, go-to and/or video conference and staff will contact you to change as applicable.
– City Council Meetings:
Council meetings are closed to the public. Live audio of Buckeye City Council meetings will be streamed on the city’s YouTube channel. Email comments to Comments must be received by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting to be included in the official meeting record. To comment by phone, participants must first complete the public comment form at by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The City Clerk’s office will call participants during the meeting for each agenda item.
– Full Electronic Process
Buckeye has transitioned to a full electronic process. Electronic submittal, review, permitting, and payments will be fully implemented. City employees are still available to assist applicants with planning and zoning, building permits, and engineering services over the phone, email, or through other electronic means during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. as well as Fridays for inspections.
– Pending Paper Documents
Pick up of pending paper comments and redlines or drop-off of pre-recorded plats will be by appointment only. Please call 623-349-6200 to make appointments.
– Emailed Submittals
* Pool, Fence and Gasline permits can be submitted via email to with payments taken over the phone.
– All on-site and off-site meetings will be changed from in person to telephone conference call, go-to or video conference.
– Development-Related Public Hearings, Citizen Participation:
Buckeye has implemented an interim citizen review process for development-related matters, as follows:
A.R.S 9-462.03 requires an adopted citizen review process to include the following:
* Adjacent landowners and other potential affected citizens will be notified of the application.
* The municipality will inform adjacent landowners and other potential affected citizens of the substances of the proposed rezoning.
* Adjacent landowners and other potential affected citizens will be provided an opportunity to express any issues or concerns that they may have with the proposed rezoning before the public hearing.
The City of Buckeye’s adopted Citizen Review Process is contained in Article 8 of the 2010 Development Code and is required for the following applications: General Plan Amendments, Specific Area Plan Amendments, Development Code Amendments, Rezoning, Community Master Plans, Planned Area Developments, and Conditional Use Permits.
* This process shall continue to be followed except that a neighborhood meeting as noted in Section 8.2.2 will not be required.
* Instead, applicants shall notify residents in the same fashion listed with a summary of the application materials and be given a contact phone number, email and mailing address to express any issues or concerns that they may have for the application.
* The summary of this information shall be provided to the Development Services Department as currently required.
– Inspections:
There are no current changes to the inspection process
– Appointments
Development Services plan reviews and other consultations are by appointment only by calling 480-782-3000.
– Plan Drop Off
Plans may be dropped off at a self-service area in the lobby at 215 E. Buffalo Street.
– Electronic Submittals
The City requests that applications be made electronically at
– Public Records Requests
Public records requests should be submitted via email to
– Appointments:
All over-the-counter plan review and permitting is suspended. Most of the Community Development staff is working remotely and will only be available for picking up or dropping off plans/permits on an appointment basis. All paper submittals will be picked up with disposable gloves and quarantined for 24 hours prior to review distribution.
– Digital Submittal:
Staff will continue to strongly encourage digital submittals or by U.S. mail.
– Review Timelines:
Review timelines are expected to be extended.
– Inspections:
Engineering and Building Safety inspections will be conducted as normally as possible.
– Submittals and Plan Review
All submittals are required to be done electronically. No interruption in plan review is anticipated.
– Inspections:
Inspections are continuing as normal.
– Public Hearings:
Planning Commission and Town Council meetings will be held as scheduled, but through electronic means.
– Appointments:
Appointments can be made by calling 623-930-2800 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F
– Submittals:
All new plan submittals will be processed electronically via for instructions.
– Contacts:
Permitting questions can be directed to Permit updates can be accessed by calling 623-930-2800 and mailing
– Pending Paper Documents:
Hard copy plans that are approved or redlined will be available by appointment. Contact 623-930-3289 or 623-930-2800 to make an appointment for pickup.
– City Council Meetings:
City Council meetings will be closed to the public during City Council Workshops and City Council Voting meetings. Instructions for remote public participation can be found at
– Submittals:
The new Electronic Plan Review System will be going live 4-20-20. This will allow electronic submittal of Planning & Zoning, Civil Engineering, and Building Safety applications through the new Development Center. Training videos and guidance documents can be found on the on the Development Center site If you have any questions, please contact: or call 623-932-3004 Option 2
* If you currently submit civil engineering plans through (ProjectDox), a new link will take you to the new Online Application System. Your ProjectDox account information will be transferred to the new site.
* If you have only submitted plans to the city over the counter or via email (Planning & Zoning and Building Safety submittals) you will need to create an account through the new Online Application System.
* Online tools (guides and videos) will be available for training in the new system at the time of launch.
– Development-Related Public Hearings, Citizen Participation:
Goodyear is implementing an Interim/Alternative Citizen Review Policy for all projects that require a citizen review process, such as general plan amendments, rezones, use permits, special use permits and annexations. Effective March 23, 2020, and continuing through the period Goodyear’s emergency declaration is in place, the following shall be the process for citizen review:
* Notice shall be provided in the manner of State Statute 9-462.03 Article 1-3-8
* A neighborhood meeting will not be scheduled for any projects
* General project information will be provided in the notice as required by state statute. More detailed project information including project narrative, maps, draft documents, and project plans will be posted on the City’s website for public review.
* Applicant and staff contact information will be provided in the notice and on the City’s website, providing opportunity to comment via email, phone or US Mail. Anyone who cannot access project information via the website can request a mailing be sent to them by City staff.
* The notice will be sent at least 35 calendar days prior to a public hearing to provide ample opportunity for input prior to noticing the public hearing itself.
* The applicant shall provide a summary of any input they have received to City staff at least 10 business days prior to the public hearing
* Any input received will be provided as an attachment to the staff report that is provided to the PZ Commission and City Council.
– Review Times:
Review timelines are expected to be extended by an additional 3-5 business days, to a total of approx. 30 business days.
– Inspections:
Inspections are currently unchanged, with the exception of occupied structures and Tis as described below.
– The following building inspection requests need to be elevated to Eric Bee, Building Inspection Supervisor for evaluation, coordination, and assignment until further notice:
* Occupied structures – Goodyear will approach these as generally being postponed for homes and businesses (meaning inspections that require inspectors to walk into/through an occupied space). However, if the occupied structure needs an inspection to be approved in order to have safe occupancy (i.e. water, electric, gas) – Goodyear will perform those inspections. Outdoor inspections such as pools and patio covers are not impacted.
* Tis without separate construction entrances – Goodyear will be requiring that PPE be provided for the inspection staff.
– Payments:
* Planning and Zoning Application Payments: Fees can be paid during the first review, however all fees will be required prior to the acceptance of the second submittal. If you would like to set up an escrow account to make fee payment easier, complete an Escrow Account Application and email to and you will be contacted with additional information and instructions by a Development Services Technician; Checks can be provided to the Development Counter; Credit card payments will be accepted over the phone or in person (when the Development Counter opens back up to the public);
* Permitting and Plan Review Payments: All fees (with the exception of Planning & Zoning) will be required prior to Permit Issuance. If you would like to set up an escrow account to make fee payment easier, complete an Escrow Account Application and email and you will be contacted with additional information and instructions by a Development Services Technician.
– Building Valuation:
The City of Goodyear will not yet be implementing a new building valuation data table (originally scheduled for 4-1-20 implementation). Instead, the City will use the currently implemented valuation table. This interim policy will govern until Mayor Lord’s Emergency Declaration is terminated.
– Contacts:
Contact Randy Westacott, Building Official, at or 623-980-0682. Contact Eric Bee, Building Inspections Supervisor, or 623-236 -0779
– Submittals:
The majority of building permits can be completed online via the Permit Center at
– Payments:
City Hall is still accepting paper check payments curbside.
– Public Records Requests
Public records requests continue to be processed via the online Public Records Request Form at
– City Council Meetings
City Council meetings can be viewed online at
– Development-Related Public Hearings, Citizen Participation:
Mesa has implemented a temporary Citizen Participation/Neighborhood Meeting Process for Land Use Applications:
* In place of traditional in-person neighborhood meetings, the City will allow applicants to use video conferencing and other telephonic platforms to comply with Citizen Participation requirements.
* The notice from the alternative-style meeting shall include City staff and applicant contact information and provide an opportunity for the public to comment via email, phone or US mail.
* The applicant must send out the notice at least 35 calendar days prior to holding the first public hearing meeting for the project.
* All other requirements for public notifications (including but not limited to providing a written Citizen Participation Report at least 10 City business days prior to the first scheduled public hearing) as outlined in the zoning ordinance and state statues remain in effect
– Public Hearings:
All public meetings, including Planning and Zoning Board, Board of Adjustment and Design Review Board will continue to meet on the regular schedule but will use a modified online format.
* The Planning and Zoning Board will conduct their public hearings via a video conferencing platform which will continue to be broadcast live at You can also listen to the meetings via phone by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) and using ID 530 123 2921.
* Planning and Zoning Board Study Sessions, Board of Adjustment and Design Review Board meetings, members will conduct their meetings via a telephonic conferencing platform. You are encouraged to listen to the meetings via phone by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) and using ID 530 123 2921.
* Public comment during these hearings and sessions can be provided via an online comment card. Comments must be submitted at least 30 minutes prior to the meetings.
* Planning and Zoning Comments:
Board of Adjustment and Design Review Board Comments:
– Appointments:
All Development Services business will be conducted online and via the telephone. This includes all planning/land use related questions, applications, and case processing and all building and civil plan review and permits (both applications, processing and permit issuance) including remote meetings with applicants and their design teams.
– Submittals:
Documents can be submitted through the All questions about the DIMES system, make payments, obtain permits or any other questions can be directed to 480-644-4273. The call center is open Monday-Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Permits that had previously been handled “over the counter” will be managed and issued by calling the 480-644-4273 number.
– Payments:
To pay for a permit by check, please place the check and invoice in the payment utility box on the north side of 55 N Center.
– Inspections:
Building inspections are being conducted within one business day. Inspections are scheduled through the DIMES portal or by calling the 24-hour line at 480-644-2428.
– Appointments:
All city buildings (including City Hall and Development and Community Services), facilities, and public counters closed but all development functions are continuing through electronic or telephonic means by appointment if needed.
– City Council Meetings and other Public Hearings
City Council and Planning and Zoning Meetings will be conducted online
– Submittals:
All applicants are strongly encouraged to submit via Zoning and sign submittal inquiries should be directed to or to speak to a planning staff member, call (623)773-7200. Over-the-counter permits must be submitted via email to If electronic submittal is not possible, limited building access may be granted by appointment only by contacting (623) 773-7225, option 1.
– Review Times:
Review times will be longer than current over the counter reviews, but shorter than a standard review. Please refer to the over-the-counter guidelines for allowable reviews at
– Inspections:
Inspection services are currently being conducted as normal. All inspections should continue to be scheduled online at
– Development-Related Public Hearings, Citizen Participation:
For all General Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Special Permit and Text Amendment applications, along with any required meetings associated with the Zoning Adjustment Hearing Officer, Planning Hearing Officer, Design Review Committee, Historic Preservation Hearing Officer, Historic Preservation Commission and preliminary site plan reviews:
In place of neighborhood meetings, applicants must establish a website, or other web-based resource, regarding the request. The City has provided requirements for information that must be available on the website, at In addition to the application information, the website must permit visitors to submit comments and questions about the request to the applicant. Notification about the website Information about the website must be included in a notification letter or email to all property owners and neighborhood associations required to be noticed in the Zoning Ordinance within 10 working days of filing the application.
In addition, applicants must host an online virtual meeting, teleconference or other alternative meeting format. Notice for the virtual meeting must be sent a minimum of 30 days in advance of the first public presentation. Exceptions to this 30-day notice requirement will be made for applications already scheduled for review at a public meeting/hearing as of 4-17-2020.
– Boards and Commissions Meetings:
All Planning and Development Department affiliated Boards & Commissions and hearing officers will host their meetings or hearings in a virtual format utilizing the WebEx Events platform. Applicants are still required to provide notice for the meetings/hearings as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance but will modify the letters and signs to direct interested parties to the posted agenda on for information on the virtual meeting/hearing and to contact the assigned staff with questions. Public comments are encouraged to be asked prior to the meeting and should be directed to the assigned POD team for the meeting/hearing. Any comments received by staff will be distributed to the hearing body members or hearing officer and added to the case file. More information is available by visiting
– General: Customer Service Update from Phoenix Planning and Development Department (PDD)
1. PDD has created virtual counters in which customers can obtain most of the same services they could in person at the Development Center. has been updated with phone numbers and email addresses to contact specific teams.
2. PDD has expanded its Communications Center staff to accommodate an increased volume of phone calls from customers to help reduce the need for in-person trips to city hall.
3. The public counters are open in PDD at City Hall for in-person services by appointment. Social distancing barriers are in place.
4. PDD has been conducting virtual meetings with customers via WebEx, Conference Now,
Microsoft Teams and any other online meeting tools that customers wish to utilize.
5. PDD continues to conduct Preapplication meetings and Preliminary Project meetings in an
online format.
6. PDD is continuing to perform review of construction plans for building permits. Although they continue to accept paper plans, they are encouraging design professionals to submit
7. PDD is continuing to perform inspections of projects that are permitted and under construction while following social-distancing guidelines.
8. Inspections Division staff moved up implementation of the Remote Video Inspection program to
offer customers a chance to have certain residential permits inspected remotely using video
conferencing. The program went live on April 14. Previously staff had planned to open the
program to the public in late spring or early summer.
9. PDD will conduct Remote Video Meetings for all zoning adjustment and other zoning related meetings effective April 20. This will allow development activity and neighborhood review to continue while safeguarding safety of residents, customers and staff. The new video meeting model includes Historic Preservation Commission, All Village Meetings, Planning Commission, Zoning Adjustment Hearings and Board of Adjustment.
10. PDD will be offering its Self-Certification classes in a live, online WebEx format starting in June
– Submittals
Digital submittals, requests for information, and access to web services can be conducted Inquiries can be directed to and 602-534-5933
– Review Times:
Review timelines are expected to be extended.
– Temporary Signage:
The Town will allow temporary banners in compliance with the requirements of the Sign Code, without the need for a sign permit. Businesses are allowed one temporary banner for a maximum of ninety (90) cumulative days in a year, with a maximum size of forty-eight (48) square feet. The Town will allow an additional temporary banner, without penalty, to the ninety (90) day limitation. Furthermore, the Town will suspend the restriction on A-frame, or similar temporary signs, requiring their location to be adjacent to the building wall plane, and will allow two (2) such signs per business, per adjacent roadway to the commercial center in which the business is located. Temporary signs cannot be placed on a sidewalk adjacent to a road, or within roadway medians so as to restrict pedestrian movement or limit visibility. All other requirements of the Sign Code remain. The Town acknowledges that the current Covid-19 outbreak presents a unique circumstance and as such, the temporary banners, A-frame, or similar signs will be allowed to remain until the spread of Covid-19 has been contained and Town operations return to normal at which point in time temporary signs must be removed or permitted.
Commercial Businesses
* Banners allowed
* A-frame signs allowed
* No permit required
* No fees required
* Allowed until Covid-19 is contained
* PA has authority to allow additional signage based on circumstances
Model Home Complexes
* One banner per model home
* A-frame, or similar signs placement as needed
– Appointments:
All development services staff is working from home but available by email and phone. Open business hours remain the same (Monday – Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
– Inspections:
Building and Engineering Field Inspections are expected to continue without adjustment.
– Payments
* Online payments: Paid as usual online
* In-person payments: Can be placed in the Water Department payment drop box located at Town Hall. Place checks in an envelope and write “Building Safety” “Engineering” or “Planning” on the outside of the envelope.
– Contacts:
* Development Services Administration: Brett Burningham at 480-358-3097, or Sarah Clark at 480-358-3020,
* Building Safety Division: Michael Williams at 480-358-3009,
* Planning Division: Erik Swanson at 480-358-3013,
* Engineering Division: Chris Dovel at 480-358-3067,
* Code Enforcement = Victor Martinez at 480-358-3307,
– Application check payments
– Submittals:
Counter plans can be submitted electronically at Plan review staff are monitoring the counter plan submittals and processing them as quickly as possible
– To make arrangements for payments and permit services not available online, please email
– Most Planning and Development services can be requested and completed online at
– Appointments
Development services is closed to in-person submittals
– Submittals
Permitting and submittals for all planning review, engineering permits and construction permits will be conducted via email,
– Review Times:
Review times are expected to be extended by 6 business days
– Contacts:
Questions can be directed to
– Appointments:
Community Development is limiting in person contact, including access to picking up existing paper plans.
– Submittals:
Submittals for any divisions including Planning, Historic Preservation, Signs, Code Enforcement, Plan Review, Private Development Engineering, etc. should be submitted electronically through the City’s online portal.
* Electronic submittals less than 15MB – main online portal
* Electronic submittals 15MB or more – email to request an LF file transfer email
* Bundle documents into one (1) pdf or bundle by discipline before uploading. The maximum file size allowed is less than 15MB).
– Inspections:Inspections will be conducted remotely in as many cases as possible and in-person inspections, when available, will utilize additional safety precautions